Preparing Professors to Teach in the Laboratory Setting
Ewing, John CIntroduction/need for idea or innovation
Conducting effective labs is essential in many technical agriculture disciplines. Learning the fundamentals of organizing and managing an effective laboratory is critical for professors. Specifically, the goal of this poster is to provide opportunities for professors to evaluate instructional laboratories, examine an instructional laboratory management plan, devise a plan of action to improve an instructional laboratory, and evaluate student work within an instructional laboratory.
How it works/methodology/program phases/steps
1. Introduce purpose, breadth, and scope of laboratories in technical agriculture in colleges and universities.
2. Discuss responsibilities of the instructor pertaining to safety, hazards, and standards.
3. Examine laboratory management topics.
5. Engage in on-and off-campus field trips/learning experiences.
6. Allow students to develop a "wish list" for a newly acquired laboratory.
7. Present a proposal for a selected laboratory design.
8. Evaluate their students' performances in the laboratory setting.
Results to date/implications
To date, the Agricultural Education 594 class has been designed, and pilot-taught one quarter. Continued implementation of this course will occur during spring quarter at The Ohio State University. Trips to an urban agricultural science school, an urban horticulture/greenhouse and landscape school, and an exemplary production rural school are being organized.
Future plans/advice to others
In the future students will be afforded more hands-on opportunities. Extended visits at host schools will allow students to perform micro-lessons in the natural setting with real students. Others implementing a similar course should include this technique, and others, to strengthen the experience.
Costs/resources needed
Travel/Van Rental (2 vans) (per trip) $300.00
Copies (per trip) $30.00
Honorariums/Host school (per trip) $50.00
Total $380.00 per trip
John C. Ewing, Benjamin G. Swan, and M. Susie
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
ewing. [email protected]
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