Danny Fuenzalida: "That would never happen"
David RosenbergIf Pancho fell asleep on a trip or tour and you had no weed, would you feel entitled to pinch his sack?
No, because it's his weed, and whenever there's a chance to re-up on a trip I'm in. So as far as Poncho carrying when I'm not, that would never happen.
Honestly, what was your first impression of the San Jose skate scene?
Skating in san Jose on my first day was a blast, I was with Diego, Aaron Jones, Pancho, and Guille. We started at the First Street ledge-over-gap; great spot to start out at. We all get out of the car and Diego backside 50-50's it. So then Guille runs up to the ledge to try a 50-50. He ollies way too high--or about two-inches too high--and falls straight on his back. The spot has a real rough landing; there's rocks and roots and all kinds of debris--and Guille falls right into the middle of it. So now we have a saying for those intent on cold jumping out of the car to hit a ledge: "Don't go for the 50-50, Guille! Argh!"
Name the first three things you would export from Chile.
Ship the women via Chile from Argentina. That might be smuggling. Potatoes and wine are huge exports that have made our Chilean people very proud.
Our people? Aren't you Australian?
Yeah, but my parents had me in Australia after leaving our entire family in Chile to start fresh. That's why I'm both.
If you were stranded in a van with one member of the Think team and one member of the Satori team, who would it be and why?
This is a messed up question, because I get along with everybody on both teams ... I hope. I guess if I have to choose, either Pancho or Jake. I'd say Jake. He'll make the trip run smoothly and the van will be well-packed. Pancho would agree. I guess the most irie people on Satori are Karl and Nilton, but Nilton is the most energized skater from 12 am until 2:30 am. Boo-ya.
If Keith had a death match with all the Think pros and ams, who do you think would be left standing?
That's hard to say. Pancho is a 4-foot-nine-inch, 140-pound piece of mass that is impossible to move. Joke is from Texas--yee-haw. Duffy and Masse have strange outbursts of huge energy that can be scary. Some of the new guys I haven't seen being pushed to their limits yet. I guess I can't answer that one. On the other hand, probably Adam Dyet.
Is messing with your kief like messing with your emotions?
I guess, because the two holes I've had to fix I didn't do, and the kief cycle takes a week or so to collect a decent amount at all.
Out of a bottle of Pisco, Pasta base (Chilean crack), a chewy blunt or a 20-stair, which is the easiest?
Maybe a nice, mellow 20 with long stairs, but if it's steeper than 40-degrees, the Pisco liqueur might be possible. Most likely I'd pass out after three-quarters, though.
What's your favorite non-Fausto owned company in skateboarding and why?
Satori definitely has been real, as far as trips, hanging out in the Bay Area with the new warehouse, and skating with talented skaters that inspire skateboarding.
Have you ever felt the V-force while skating?
Of course. Ears can be super cool, but sometimes he'll Nazi-out and order everybody around like we're 10-years-old.
Have you ever seen Ears dance?
Yeah, in Europe. He's got an ill dancing reputation at the nightclubs around here. He can go for six hours straight--I mean, at least that's what I've heard.
Out of all your homies, which one has the best nick-name?
Pancho is Hector the Ho Protector. You know that song "I wanna be saved," with E-40? In the good old days, Pancho used to really save some hos. But now his lady is saving him.
What would be your favorite skateboard graphic of all time?
Probably the first Ray Barbee board--the graphic of the rag-doll guy holding the cards. It's old school.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Most likely studying at a university.
You're quite a quotable guy. Does spouting random shit have anything to do with the fact that you smoke close to 10 bowls before even eating breakfast?
Nah, dude chill. I don't smoke until 11 or 12. Rarely before Noon.
Shouts out?
Yeah, shouts out to Dave R for the questions and time. My family--Mom, Dad, Sis, my aunt, grandfather, uncle and cousin--Guille, Spencer, Cubs, Polo, Stay, Saav, Val, Nati, Joke J, Poncho, SR Lennon, Jake Nunn, Shringy. Tony V, Keith, Craig, Think crew, and Satori soldiers.
COPYRIGHT 2004 High Speed Productions, Inc
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group