PC buyer's guide - buyers guide
Stephen MillerPC Buyer's Guide
Here's how to buy the best computer for less than $2,000
Have you ever toyed with the idea of buying a personal computer but resisted the urge because you thought it would be too expensive? Well, think again. Now is a great time to invest in a PC system because some computer and electronics stores have year-end inventory sales that offer considerable computer savings. And if you intend to use your PC in a home business, you'll have a big-ticket tax write-off next year if you buy your system before 1990. The key to making your PC purchase a smart buy is knowing what's available and understanding the best way to shop for a computer that suits your lifestyle.
Do You Really Need One?
Not everyone needs a home computer. One reason so many systems end up collecting dust is that the buyer hasn't considered what her computer needs are. Ask yourself: "How often do I use a computer at work?" If the answer is "Not very much," chances are you'll get along quite well without one. However, if you find that you usually end up staying late at the office to finish your work because it's "in the computer," you're probably a good candidate for a home computer.
Here are some suggestions that may help you decide if you need a PC: * Make a list of what you'd like to accomplish using a computer. * Find out if there's a less expensive alternative to buying a computer. * If other members of your family will be using the computer, find out what their needs are.
Avoid the PC Shopping Dilemma
Take a look at some of the computer ads in your local newspaper. It's easy to get confused, especially with the many different brands of computers, printers, monitors and programs that are available. Even the language, with its cryptic terms such as DOS, RAM, ROM and byte, can be confusing. Because there are so many choices, you may feel that any choice you make will be wrong. Don't panic! If you know why you need a computer, the decision you make will be the right one. Besides, most computers can be upgraded later if your needs change.
There are a few things to keep in mind that will help make your choice easier. If you plan to use your home computer primarily for work that you bring home from the office, buy a system that is the same as or similar to the one that you have at work. And choose a software package that's like the one you use on your job. If you're buying a computer to help with your child's education, make sure it's compatible with the system that's used in your son's or daughter's school.
How to Choose Your System
Today's personal computers are more like stereo systems; you can mix and match the components to get the system that's right for you. But just as music dictates the kind of stereo you buy, computer software determines the kind of equipment you need to purchase.
If you check the software package, it will list the minimum requirements needed to operate the program. It will tell you whether the software program is compatible with an IBM, a Macintosh, a Commodore or any other computer you choose. It will tell you how much random-access memory (RAM) your computer needs to have to run the program. And it will tell you whether a hard disk is necessary and what kind of printer and what type of floppy-disk format you need.
PC Nuts and Bolts
All PCs include an operating system (sometimes called the machine language), a central processing unit (CPU), a keyboard, one or two disk drives and the monitor and printer, which are sometimes sold separately from the other primary components.
Because PC buyers usually purchase the basic computer components separately, as one would for a stereo, it's important to understand how each works. The operating system tells the computer what functions to perform. The most popular PC operating systems are for MS DOS (disc operating system) machines, such as IBMs and IBM-compatible PCs, and operating systems for Apple personal computers.
The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It runs the computer and also acts as a translator between programs and the rest of the system. For example, if you want to print a file that's on your computer, the instructions are sent to the CPU, which in turn tells the printer to print. You communicate with the computer--the CPU--by generating instructions or commands using the keyboard.
All computer-generated information is stored on a disk. There are two types of disks: a floppy disk and a hard, or fixed, disk. Floppy disks are removable but have limited storage capacity. Hard disks are fixed inside the computer and have much greater storage capacity.
The other components are the monitor and the printer, each of which is one of several PC accessories called peripherals. Because they are not as essential to the operation of the computer as the other components, you have more flexibility in selecting them.
Getting the Most for Your Money
When you start to shop, don't take anything for granted. Computers are rarely sold as complete packages, so some ads may be misleading. An advertisement might offer a computer for $500, but when you get to the store, you may find what's being sold is a stripped-down model that needs a few add-ons that could double or triple the price. Before you start shopping, learn as much as you can about the kind of system you're interested in.
Besides articles about personal computers, a good source of information is your office computer whiz--the person everyone calls when something goes wrong with the computer. Be sure to ask questions about different PCs, and try to get some suggestions before you shop for your own.
You can also check with computer-user groups. These computer clubs are very helpful to beginners. Check with any major computer manufacturer's public-relations department. They usually have a list of user groups in your area. Many dealers also have information about user groups.
What Will It Cost?
How much you pay for your computer depends on the components you choose. Printers come in a wide variety of choices, but there are three main types: dot-matrix, letter-quality or daisy-wheel, and laser. Although the dot-matrix is at the low end of the line, some better-quality dot-matrix printers can produce copies that rival a letter-quality printer, and in some cases are nearly as good as a laser printer. Prices for printers range from about $150 for an inexpensive dot-matrix printer to more than $1,500 for high-speed laser printers.
There are basically two kinds of monitors: monochrome and color. At one time, monochrome screens were preferred for word-processing and financial applications because they had a sharper image than color monitors. But advances in color-graphics technology have made them just as sharp. You do have to pay a premium for better-quality monitors. Most monochrome monitors are about $150, and color monitors start at about $300.
Prices for personal computers can range from less than $1,000 up to $15,000. A standard PC system that includes an expandable DOS system with a 20-megabyte hard disk (about 100,000 pages of storage space), a dot-matrix printer, a color monitor and one major software package (such as a word-processing program) should cost less than $2,000. Buying a PC may seem like a major investment, but computers are so versatile that, used properly, your PC can pay for itself in a short period of time.
Buying a computer is an individual decision. Just because you want one doesn't mean you need one. But if you look closely at why a computer might be useful in your home, and come to the conclusion that it is the right decision, then get the best you can buy.
Stephen Miller, a computer consultant and writer, wrote this piece on a home computer.
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