The Saucy Vegetarian: Quick And Healthful No-Cook Sauces And Dressings
Michael CravenIt is comforting, rewarding, and fun to cook elaborate vegetarian meals the two, or perhaps three, nights a week that the inspiration grabs you (and you have the time!). Unfortunately, that leaves you with four or five nights making sandwiches or steaming vegetables for a nutritious, but otherwise pallid repast. This slim volume from Joanne Stepaniak takes a holistic approach to the day-to-day construction of the vegan diet. While providing numerous raw dressings and sauces for everything from salad greens to pasta, brown rice, potatoes, or baked fennel, Stepaniak's greater agenda involves shaping a method of balancing flavors and textures. The idea is to teach the beginner cook to think about which foods match well together and to foster creativity in his or her kitchen. In this, the author is a great success. Though she does call for many ingredients which may prove hard to find, most of the recipe instructions are as simple as combining all the ingredients in a blender.
The Saucy Vegetarian (ISBN 1-5706709-1-9) is published and distributed by The Book Publishing Company, P.O. Box 99, Summertown, TN 38483, which can be reached at (800) 695-2241. Reviewed by Michael Craven.
COPYRIGHT 2000 Vegetarian Resource Group
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group