Early-blooming cymbidium - Garden - Brief Article
David C. BeckerMost cymbidiums wait for winter to bloom. But the one pictured here, Autumn Green 'Geyserland', flowers during the warm days of late summer and early tall. It's more compact than standard cymbidiums, reaching about 21/2 feet tall (somewhere between dwarfs and standards), And, perhaps best of all, it's fragrant,
'Geyserland' is a descendant of Cymbidium ensifolium, whose hybrids come in a wide range of flower colors. The pale yellow green 'Geyserland' blooms last about three weeks.
C. ensifolium orchids take heat better than more common cymbidiums, setting buds when evenings are in the high 50s or low 60s, Like their cousins, however, these orchids require partial shade, not direct sun. They can live outdoors year-round in areas that get little to no frost (Sunset climate zones 15 and 17). Elsewhere, bring them in doors for winter.
A good source for these and ether orchids is Santa Barbara Orchid Estate (www.sborchid.com or 800/553-3387).
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