Another Taste of Taos - Letters from our Readers
Michael NelsonIn "A Taste of Taos" (September, page 24), you didn't include my favorite place on your list of lodgings--Fechin Inn (227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte; or 800/746-2761). It is built on the estate of Nicolai Fechin, the noted Southwest artist and sculptor, and has many lovely design touches in his style.
After living in Taos for 10 years, we still go through withdrawal for green chili. The place to get the best breakfast burrito, which you can eat with one hand on the run, is Mante's Chow Cart (402 Paseo del Pueblo Sur; 505/758-3632).
--Michael Nelson
Huntington Beach, CA
--Marcine Hughes
Lake Isabella, CA
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