A healthy weight is possible
Raymond M. LombardiFind out which herbs and other supplements can help.
It's Monday morning and the start of another work week. And, if you're like many Americans, it's probably the beginning, or worse, the continuation, of another bout of dieting. America has become the land of chronic dieting.
The very term "diet" has fallen out of favor, and just thinking about having to do it can evoke feelings of despair in all of us. But we diet for a good reason: Americans are more obese today than at any time in our history. Many of us simply are carrying around too many pounds, much of it as unhealthy, excess fat. We need to lose weight!
The good news is that we are fighting back! America is becoming educated about good nutrition, proper eating habits, the need for exercise, proper fluid intake, and a host of other critical factors which help us maintain both health and fitness.
Go on the attack with herbs and other supplements
The need to lose weight may have become a part of everyday life, but that hasn't made it an easy goal to achieve. We work at it, we struggle with it, we battle it, and usually end up extremely frustrated by the whole process. That being said, it is very important to know that you can succeed. And the best way to ensure successful weight loss is to take advantage of the wide array of natural substances that are available over-the-counter. Do natural substances truly work? Absolutely! Take a look at these four supplements which can turn your dieting failures into weight-loss winners.
Yerba mate
One of the premiere beverages from South America, yerba mate is making a name for itself as an excellent adjunct to, and an important substitute for, either caffeine or ephedra in your dieting plan. It contains small amounts of xanthine alkaloids, specifically mateine. Mateine is thought by most authorities to be identical to caffeine, but the effects of mateine on the body are substantially different from those of simple caffeine. It has a direct, stimulating effect on metabolism. In fact, yerba mate has long been known to prevent and reduce fatigue.
For weight loss, research has shown that cayenne promotes thermogenesis through a number of means. This includes the stimulation of lipid mobilization in adipose tissue and the increase of glucose metabolism, both of which are critical in weight loss.
Licorice root
Licorice root is one of the most important plants in the world and provides a wide variety of dramatic effects on our health. Licorice root has a profound effect on the adrenal glands and may be used to offset the stress to the adrenals which arises from dieting. It also is believed to impact the adrenal glands in reducing adrenocortical insufficiency, which, in turn, directly impacts blood sugar levels. Regulation of blood sugar levels is critical in weight loss regimens and has serious implications in appetite control, cravings, and metabolism.
When we diet, we are not only seeking weight loss, but conversion of fat tissue to lean muscle mass. This is why an exercise program is critical in any weight-loss regimen. To facilitate an increase in lean muscle mass, the supplement of choice is HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) -- a metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine. Its ability to increase lean muscle mass has been well documented in a number of clinical studies. In a landmark study published in 1996 by Steven Nissen, HMB increased the lean muscle mass of study participants by as much as 2.64 pounds over a three-week period.
I advise my patients to utilize herbs and other supplements in their efforts to reduce and manage their weight.
Raymond M. Lombardi, D.C., N.D., C.C.N., is a certified herbalist and has an alternative-care holistic practice in Redding, Calif., providing general wellness advice and care to his patients. He is available for phone consultations at 530-244-7064, or e-mail at: [email protected].
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