Stopping Domestic Violence: How a Community Can Prevent Spousal Abuse - Book Review
Larry R. MooreStopping Domestic Violence: How a Community Can Prevent Spousal Abuse by Pamela J. Jenkins and Barbara P. Davidson, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York, New York, 2001.
All law enforcement officers should read Stopping Domestic Violence because it provides a comprehensive assessment of domestic spousal violence. The book stresses the relationship of law enforcement with the victims, supporting social agencies, medical personnel, and local shelters for abused spouses and proves informative to any reader, regardless of position held or responsibility accorded.
The book contains up-to-date information on real implications concerning primary prevention efforts in the community setting in terms of onscene and emergency room responders, perpetrators, and law enforcement officers. The goals of response agencies should include accepting other agencies' response requirements and responsibilities, as well as their acceptance of law enforcement's role in the issue of spousal abuse--all of this in the interest of victim safety.
Throughout the book, the authors stress highlighting, changing, and improving the various perceptions of all agency personnel toward others and how to hold perpetrators accountable for their spousal abuse violence. The authors introduce each chapter with a scenario that sets the theme for the information that follows.
A unique aspect of the book and its direct impact on all agencies, specifically those in law enforcement, concerns the inclusion of 15 major opportunities for spousal abuse prevention. These range from police interfacing in the community, decision-making processes, and battered women strategies on escaping, avoiding, and surviving an abusive environment to law enforcement's linkage with and response to the indicators and dynamics of domestic spousal abuse.
Stopping Domestic Violence contains two prominent features for law enforcement agencies. One outlines what constitutes a victim safety plan, while the other, a primary spousal abuse prevention model, encompasses law enforcement and health care adapting to the community-policing techniques on domestic spousal abuse violence. This also includes establishing law enforcement units specializing in handling domestic spousal violence and proactive strategies on community partnerships, including interfacing with mental health agencies. The victim safety plan commences with notification and protection of evidence, emotional health, safety during an explosive spousal abuse incident, spousal safety while in the workplace and in public environments, and spousal safety while at home.
Stopping Domestic Violence has invaluable content, which is critically suited for any agency that responds to spousal abuse incidents. Some aspects also could prove useful for incorporating into lesson plans for those officers in academies, as well as initial in-service and refresher training programs. In addition, information in the book can aid in updating law enforcement departmental policies and procedures. Agencies easily could modify the chapter lead-in scenarios and include them in departmental skill level promotional examinations and personnel selection assessment centers, both for recruits and experienced officers. Overall, the book has many uses for members of the law enforcement community.
Reviewed by Larry R. Moore Certified Emergency Manager International Association of Emergency Managers Knoxville, Tennessee
COPYRIGHT 2003 Federal Bureau of Investigation
COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group