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  • 标题:Lubomir Dolezel: a checklist of publications in English, 1966-1998
  • 作者:David Gorman
  • 期刊名称:Style
  • 出版年度:1998
  • 卷号:Winter 1998
  • 出版社:Northern Illinois University

Lubomir Dolezel: a checklist of publications in English, 1966-1998

David Gorman

During his career, Lubomir Dolezel (1922-) has made numerous and significant contributions to literary criticism, literary theory, and the history of both criticism and theory. This listing has been drawn up with the aim of providing an overview of Dolezel's writings, which have remained widely scattered, even though, in recent years, he has published volumes summarizing some of his key results, such as Occidental Poetics (1990), a series of chapters in the history of poetics from Aristotle to the Prague school, and Heterocosmica (1998), which articulates a theory of fiction in terms of possible worlds. Much of Dolezel's best and most characteristic work remains in article form, however, in journals, conference symposia, and festschriften contributing to diverse fields. While this fact stands as a tribute to Dolezel's versatility, it makes a comprehensive view of his work difficult for the interested literary scholar.

Compounding this is the fact that Dolezel published in his native Czech until his emigration to Canada. Since about 1967, while he has published primarily in English, he has continued to publish in Czech from time to time; occasionally, his work has also seen initial publication (in translation) in French. The main part of this bibliography is confined to the period from 1966 - when Dolezel began to publish in English - through 1998. The listing is arranged chronologically by year. Within each annual section, the arrangement is as follows: books written, books edited, articles appearing in volumes, articles appearing in journals, entries in reference works, reviews, and other items. An appendix lists selected publications from the period before 1966. (For a complete though also more condensed listing of Dolezel's work from 1954 to 1997, see the bibliography published in Ceska literatura 45 [1997]: 649-62, to which this listing owes a great deal.)

Publications that I have not been able to see first-hand are asterisked. Bullets indicate essays authored or coauthored by Dolezel appearing in volumes edited or coedited by him.

With a few exceptions, this listing is limited to recording initial publications: when an item appeared first in English, translations into other languages (including Czech) have been omitted. The exceptions generally are cases where citations of some translated work of Dolezel's have appeared in the literature. As I have been able, I have added information tracing and cross-referencing items where one publication is subsumed by a later one. Much more work remains to be done, but I believe that students of Dolezel's important writings will find a useful tool here. May they make as much of it as it deserves. Items with Czech titles have been provided with English translations. For this and for much I else I want to thank Lubomir Dolezel for his unfailingly helpful assistance.


And Petr Sgall and Josef Vachek, eds. Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 1 (1966).(*)

And Jan Prucha "A Statistical Law of Grapheme Combinations." 33-43.

"Perspektivy strukturalni analyzy literarniho dila" [Perspectives on the structural analysis of the literary work]. Struktura a smysl literaniho dila. Festschrift for Jan Mukarovsky. Eds. Milan Jankovie et al. Prague: Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1966.70-86.(*)

"Jeste jednou k jazykoveho kodovani" [Once more on the model of encoding in language]. Slovo a slovesnost 27 (1966): 236-40.(*)

And Jiri Kraos and Jan Prucha. "K modelum jazykove komunikace" [On the models of language communication]. Kybernetika 2 (1966): 448-56.(*)

[Contributor:] Slovnik Spisovneho Jazyka Ceskeho [Dictionary of the Czech Literary Language]. 2 vols. University: U of Alabama P, 1966.


And Petr Sgall, Marie Tesitelova, and Josef Vachek, eds. Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 2 (1967).(*)

"The Prague School and the Statistical Theory of Poetic Language." 97-104.

"The Typology of the Narrator: Point of View in Fiction." To Honor Roman Jakobson. 3 vols. The Hague: Mouton, 1967. 541-52.

"Jmena zdrobnela" [Diminutives]. Tvoreni slov v ...estin[bullet] 2 (1967): 294-330.(*)


Richard W. Bailey and. An Annotated Bibliography of Statistical Stylistics. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1968.

"Russian and Prague School Functional Stylistics." Style 2 (1968): 143-58.


And Richard W. Bailey, ed. Statistics and Style. New York: American Elsevier, 1969.

"A Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Style." 10-25.

"Kompozice Labyrintu sveta a raje srdce J. A. Komenskeho" [The composition of J. A. Comenius's The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart]. Ceska literatura 17 (1969): 37-54.(*) In English as ch. 2 of Narrative Modes in Czech Literature (1973).

"K. Capek i Vl. Vancura." Umjetnost rijeci 13 (1969): 289-310(*)


"The Study of Verbalized Content." Times Literary Supplement 23 July 1970: 807-08. Review of Vladimir Propp, Morfologiya skazki (2d ed., 1970).

[Review:] Krystyna Pomorska, Russian Formalist Theory and Its Poetic Ambiance (1968). International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 13 (1970): 208-10.(*)


"Toward a Structural Theory of Content in Prose Fiction." Literary Style: A Symposium. Ed. Seymour Chatman. New York: Oxford UP, 1971.95-110.

"Motif Analysis and the System of Sensitivity in L'Etranger." Problems of Textual Analysis. Ed. Pierre R. Leon et al. Montreal: Didier, 1971. 165-74. Discussion, 174-76.


And Jiri Kraus. "Prague School Stylistics." Current Trends in Stylistics. Ed. Braj B. Kachru and Herbert F. W. Stahlke. Edmonton: Linguistic Research, 1972.37-48.

"From Motifemes to Motifs." Poetics 4 (1972): 55-90.

Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova and. "An Early Chinese Confessional Prose: Shen Fu's Six Chapters of a Floating Life." T'oung Pao Archives 58 (1972): 137-60.


Narrative Modes in Czech Literature. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1973. Revised ed. [in Czech]: Narrativni zpusoby v ceske literature. Prague: Cesky spisovatel, 1993.(*)

"A Scheme of Narrative Time." Slavic Poetics: Essays in Honor of Kiril Taranovsky. Ed. Roman Jakobson, et. al. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.91-98. Rpt. Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions. Ed. Ladislav Matejka and Irwin R. Titunik. Cambridge: MIT P, 1976. 209-17.

"Narrative Composition: A Link between German and Russian Poetics." Russian Formalism. Ed Stephen Bann and John E. Bowlt. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1973. 73-84. Enl. in ch. 6 of Occidental Poetics (1990).


[Review:] Fredric Jameson, The Prison-House of Language (1972). Canadian Slavonic Papers 16 (1974): 509-11.


Commentary. New Literary H,!story 6 (1974-1975): 463-68. On issue (6.2: On Narrative and Narratives).


"Narrative Modalities." Journal of Literary Semantics 5 (1976): 5-14. Rpt. Essays in Literary Semantics. Ed. Peter A. Foulkes and Trevor Eaton. Heidelberg: Groos, 1978.93-102.(*)

"Narrative Semantics." PTL 1 (1976): 129-51.

"Die Hundeblume; or, Poetic Narrative." PTL 1 (1976): 467-88.

[Review:] Tzvetan Todorov, The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (trans., 1975). Slavic Review 35 (1976): 382.

Discussion. L'analyse du discours/Discourse Analysis. Ed. Pierre R. Leon and Henri Mitterand. Montreal: Centre Educatif et Culturel, 1976. 20-22. Of Herbert A. Gleason, "Discourse Analysis" (13-19).


"A Pragmatic Typology of Dialogue." Papers in Slavic Philology 1: In Honor of James Ferrell. Ed. Benjamin A. Stolz. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1977.62-68.


"Narrative Worlds." Sound, Sign, and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle. Ed. Ladislav Matejka. Ann Arbor: Michigan UP, 1978. 542-53.

"Semantics of Narrative Motifs." Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Linguists. Ed. Wolfgang U. Dressler and Wolfgang Meid. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft, 1978. 646-49.(*)

"Narrative Semantics and Motif Theory." Essays in Poetics 3 (1978): 47-56. Rpt. Studia Poetica 2 (1980): 32-43.(*)

[Review:] Susan W. Tiefbrun, A Structural Analysis of La Princesse de Cleves. Style 12 (1978): 75-76.


"Extensional and Intensional Narrative Worlds." Poetics 8 (1979): 193-211.

"In Defence of Structural Poetics." Poetics 8 (1979): 521-30. Prepublication version in Essays (1979). 1-12.

"The Visible and the Invisible Petersburg." Russian Literature 7 (1979): 465-90.(*) Prepublication version in Essays (1979). 45-65.

Essays in Structural Poetics and Narrative Semantics. Toronto Semiotic Circle Prepublications. Toronto: Victoria University 1979.


"A Short Note on a Long Subject: Literary Style." Voz'mi na radost': To Honour Jeanne van der Eng-Liedmeier. Amsterdam: Slavic Seminar, 1980. 1-7.(*)

"Truth and Authenticity in Narrative." Poetics Today 1.3 (1980): 7-25. Prepublication version in Essays (1979). 66-87.

"Eco and His Model Reader." Poetics Today 1.4 (1980): 181-88. Review essay on The Role of the Reader (1979).


"Circular Patterns: Hasek and The Good Soldier Svejk." Poetica Slavica. Studies in Honour of Zbigniew Folejewski. Ed. J. Douglas Clayton and Gunter Schaarschmidt. Ottowa: U of Ottowa P, 1981. 21-28.

"Radical Semantics: Franz Kafka and Richard Werner." Forms and Functions. Festschrift for Vilem Fried. Ed. Jurgen Esser and Axel Hubler. Tubingen: Narr, 1981. 225-29.

[Review:] Jan Mukarovsky, The Word and Verbal Art (trans. 1977 and Structure, Sign, and Function (trans. 1977). Style 15 (1981): 64-68.


"A Note on Quantification in Text Theory." Text Processing: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 51. Ed. Sture Allen. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiskell International, 1982. 539-52. Discussion of Alvar Ellegard, "Genre Styles, Individual Styles, and Authorship Identification" (518-37).

"The Conceptual System of Prague School Poetics: Mukarovsky and Vodicka." The Structure of the Literary Process: Studies Devoted to the Memory of Felix Vodicka. Ed. Peter Steiner, Miroslav Cervenka, and Ronald Vroon. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1982. 109-26. Revised in ch. 7 of Occidental Poetics (1990).

"Mukarovsky and the Idea of Poetic Truth." Russian Literature 12/13 (1982): 283-98.(*)


"Towards a Typology of Fictional Worlds." Tamkang Review 14 (1983-1984): 261-76. Trans. Paul Perron: "Pour une typologie des mondes fictionnels." Aims and Prospects of Semiotics: Essays in Honor of A. J. Greimas. Ed. Herman Parret and Hans-George Ruprecht. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1985.1: 7-23.(*)

"Proper Names, Definite Descriptions and the Intensional Structure of Kafka's The Trial." Poetics 12 (1983): 511-26.

"Intensional Function, Invisible Worlds, and Franz Kafka." Style 17 (1983): 120-41. Prepublication version ("Narrative Worlds, Implicit Motifs and Franz Kafka") in Essays (1979). 26-44.


Benjamin A. Stolz, I. R. Titunik, and, eds. Language and Literary Theory: In Honor of Ladislav Matejka. Papers in Slavic Philology 5. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1984.

"The Road of History and the Detours of the Good Soldier." 241-49.

"Aristotelian Poetics as a Science of Literature." Semiosis: Semiotics and the History of Culture, In Honorem Georgii Lotman. Ed. Morris Halle et al. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Contributions, 1984. 125-38. Enl. in ch. 1 of Occidental Poetics (1990): 12-26.

"Oral and Written Literature: Theoretical Implications Drawn from Serbian Epic." The Peasant and the City in Eastern Europe: Interpreting Structures. Ed. Irene Portis Winner and Thomas G. Winner. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman, 1984. 253-64. Prepublication version in Essays (1979). 13-25.

"Narrative Structure and Narrative Style." Studia Poetica 5: Fictionality (1984): 271-98.

"Kafka's Fictional World." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 10 (1984): 61-83. Trans. Paul Perron: "La construction de mondes fictionnels a la Kafka." Litterature 57 (1985): 80-92.

"Ein Schema der literarischen Kommunikation." Buhler-Studien, vol. 1. Ed. A. Eschbach. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1984. 206-23.(*)


"Literary Text, Its World, and Its Style." Identity of the Literary Text. Ed. Mario J. Valdes and Owen Miller. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985:189-203.

"K. M. Capek-Chod and Modernism." Karel Matij Capek-Chod: Proceedings of a Symposium. Ed. R. B. Pynsent. London: School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 1985.71-78.(*)

"La triangle du double: un champ thematique." Poetique [#]64 (1985): 463-72. Trans. Helene Boiziau and Claude Bremond. English: "A Semantics for Thematics: The Case of the Double." Thematics: New Approaches. Ed. Claude Bremond, Joshua Landy, and Thomas Pavel. Albany: State U of NY P, 1995. 89-102, 207-08. French trans, abr. 1986

"Semiotics of Literary Communication." Strumenti critici 1.1 (1986): 5-48.(*) Enl. in ch. 7 of Occidental Poetics (1990).


And Nancy Traill. "Nad poezii Bronislavy Volkove" [On Bronislava Volkova's poetry]. Postscript to Vzduch bez podpadku. By Bronislavy Volkove. Munich: PmD, 1987.71-75.(*)


"Literary Transduction: Prague School Approach." 1984. The Prague School and Its Legacy in Linguistics, Literature, Semiotics, Folklore, and the Arts. Ed. Yishai Tobin. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1988. 165-76. Revised in ch. 7 (167-75) of Occidental Poetics (1990).

"Mimesis and Possible Worlds." Poetics Today 9 (1988): 475-96.

"Thematique de la solitude: Robinson Crusoe and Des Esseintes." Communications [#]47 (1988): 187-97. Trans. Nancy Traill.

And Nancy Traill. [Review:] Thomas Pavel, Fictional Worlds (1986). Style 22 (1988): 139-42.


"Possible Worlds and Literary Fictions." Possible Worlds in Humanities, Arts and Sciences: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 65. Ed. Sture Allen. Berlin: Gruyter, 1989. 221-42.

"Two Narratologies: Propp and Vodicka." Issues in Slavic Literary and Cultural Theory. Ed. Karl Eimermacher, Peter Grzybek, and Georg Witte. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1989. 13-27.(*)

"Occidental Poetics: A Research Tradition." Poetics East and West. Ed. Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova. Toronto Semiotic Circle, Monograph 4 (1988-1989). Toronto: Victoria College. 41-52.(*) Outline of themes from Occidental Poetics (1990).

"Pour une thematique de la motivation." Trans. Nancy Traill. Strumenti Critici [#]60 (1989): 193-207.(*) English: "A Thematics of Motivation and Action." Thematics: New Approaches. Ed. Claude Bremond, Joshua Landy, and Thomas Pavel. Albany: SUNY P, 1995.57-66, 197-98.

"Poetics." International Encyclopedia of Communications. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989.3: 298-301.

"Mimesis and Contemporary Criticism." Comparative Criticism 11 (1989): 253-61. Review-essay on A.D. Nuttall, A New Mimesis (1983).


Occidental Poetics: Tradition and Progress. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1990.

"Nomothetic and Ideographic Knowledge in Poetics." Os Estudios Literarios (entre) Ciencia e Hermeneutica. Proceedings of the First Congress of the Portugese Comparative Literature Association. Lisbon: Associauo Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, 1990. 113-22.

"Fictional Reference: Mimesis and Possible Worlds." Towards a Theory of Comparative Literature: Selected Papers Presented in the Division of Theory of Literature at the 11th International Comparative Literature Congress. Ed. Mario Valdes. New York: Lang, 1990. 120-21.(*)

"Aliens and Visitors in Literary Metalanguage." Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Ed. Roger Bauer, D. W. Fokkema, and Michael de Graat. 5 vols. Munich: Iudicum, 1990.5: 26571.(*)


And Nancy H. Traill, eds. Possible Worlds and Literary Fictions. Style 25.2 (1991).

[And NHT:] Introduction. 175-76.

"Innovation as World Transformation." Slavic Drama: The Question of Innovation. Ed. Andrew Donskow and Richard Sokolski. Ottawa: U of Ottawa, 1991.1-9.(*)

"Structuralni tematologie a semantika moznych svetu. Pripad dvojnika" [Structural thematics and semantics of possible worlds: The case of the double]. Ceska literatura 39 (1991): 1-13.(*)


"Karel Capek: A Modern Storyteller." On Karel Capek. Ed. Michael Makin and Jindrich Toman. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1992. 15-28.

"Zamyatin's Worlds." Poetics of the Text: Essays to Celebrate Twenty Years of the Neo-Formalist Circle. Ed. Joe Andrew. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.91-103.(*)

"Possible Worlds: Philosophy and Application." Semiotica 90 (1992): 201-16. Review-essay on Nobel Symposium 65 (1986): Possible Worlds in Humanities, Arts and Sciences, ed. Sture Allen (1989).


"The Fictional World of Dostoevskij's The Idiot." Russian Literature 33 (1993): 239-48.

"Semiotic Poetics of the Prague School." Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms. Ed. Irena R. Makaryk. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1993. 179-83.

[Review:] Umberto Eco, The Limits of Interpretation (1990). Journal of Pragmatics 19 (1993): 585-89.


"Prague School Structuralism." The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Ed. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1994. 592-95.


"Structuralism of the Prague School." The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, vol. 8: The Twentieth Century: From Formalism to Poststructuralism. Ed. Raman Selden. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 33-57.

"Roman Jakobson as a Student of Communication." Studies in Poetics: Commemorative Volume[:] Krystyna Pomorska (1928-1986). Ed. Elena Semeka-Pankratov. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1995.27-38.

"A Semantics for Thematics: The Case of the Double." Thematics: New Approaches. Ed. Claude Bremond, Joshua Landy, and Thomas Pavel. Albany: State U of NY P, 1995. 89-102, 207-08.

"De la diversite des poetiques." Poetiques et imaginaires: Francopolyphonie litteraire des Ameriques. Ed. Pierre Laurette and Hans-Georg Ruprecht. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995.135-47.(*) Trans. Laurette (uncredited).

"Fictional Worlds: Density, Gaps, and Inference." Style 29 (1995): 201-14.

"Fiction: From Possible Worlds to Automata." Semiotica 104 (1995): 311-16. Review essay on Marie-Laure Ryan, Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory (1991).


"Polyfunctional or Monofunctional Language?" The Search for a New Alphabet: Literary Studies in a Changing World. In Honor of Douwe Fokkema. Ed. Harald Hendrix, Joost Kloek, Sophie Levie, and Will van Peer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1996.73-77.

"In Search of Implicit Meaning: From Rhetoric to Cognitive Text Theory." Canadian Journal for Rhetorical Studies 6 (1996): 63-72.

"Prazska skola v exilu" [The Prague School in exile]. Svetova literarn ev edna bohemistika 2 (1996): 506-11.(*)


"The Themata of Eco's Semiotics of Literature." Reading Eco: An Anthology. Ed. Rocco Capozzi. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997. 111-20.


Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds. Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins UP, 1998.

"Possible Worlds of Fiction and History." New Literary History 29 (1998): 785-809.

Appendix: Selected Early Publications

"K obecne problematice jazykoveho stylu" [On some general problems of style in language]. Slovo a slovesnost 14 (1954): 97-105.(*)

"Rozbor umeleckeho stylu" [Analyzing literary style]. Slovo a slovesnost 16 (1955): 90-96.(*)

"Poloprima rec v moderni ceske proze" [Represented discourse in modern Czech prose fiction]. Slovo a slovesnost 19 (1958): 20-46.(*) Reworked in Narrative Modes in Czech Literature (1973).

O stylu moderni ceske prozy: Vystavba textu [On the style of modern Czech prose fiction: The text structure]. Prague: Academia, 1960.(*) Reworked in Narrative Modes in Czech Literature (1973).

"O slohu vypraveni Karla Capka" [On the style of Karel Capek's narrative]. Nase re c 43 (1960): 80-86.(*)

And J. Kuchar, ed. Knizka o jazyce a stylu soudobe ceske literatury [A handbook of language and style of contemporary Czech literature]. Prague: Orbis, 1961.(*)

And Karel Hausenblasem. "O sootnosenii poetiki i stilistiki" [On the relationship of poetics and stylistics]. Poetics-Poetyka-Poetika. Warsaw: PWN; The Hague: Mouton, 1961. 39-52.

"Predbezny odhad entropie a redundance psane cestiny" [A preliminary estimate of the entropy and redundancy of written Czech]. Slovo a slovesnost 24 (1963): 165-75.(*)

"Vers la stylistique structurale". Travaux linguistique de Prague 1: L'Ecole de Prague d'aujourdhui. Ed. Josef Vachek. Prague: Academia, 1964 257-66.(*)

"Kybernetika a jazykoveda" [Cybernetics and linguistics]. Kybernetika ve sploecenskcych vedach. Ed. Eduard Arab-Ogly, Arnost Kolman, and Jiri Zeman. Prague: Academia, 1965. 267-80.(*)

"Model stylisticke slozky jazykoveho kodovani" [A model of the stylistic component of verbal encoding]. Slovo a slovesnost 26 (1965): 223-35.(*)

"Zur statistsichen Theorie der Dichtersprache." Mathematik und Dichtung: Versuche zur Frage einer exacten Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. Helmut Kreuzer and Rul Gunzenhauser. Munich: Nymphenberger, 1965. 275-93.(*)

David Gorman ([email protected]) is associate professor of English at Northern Illinois University, and is the book-review editor for Style. In addition, to contributing bibliographies on critics and criticism to Style annually sine 1992, he has published essays on the history and theory of literary criticism, and is currently preparing a monograph on the work of Gerard Genette.

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