Grand Theft Auto III
Todd ZunigaIn the last week I've been a ghost at work. My alternate life has taken hold and during my time away I'll readily admit I've killed dozens of undeserving pedestrians, a handful of loose-lipped stool pigeons, and some undesirables who got what was coming to them. I've stolen countless cars, I've shook hands with the devil, and I've put slugs into the skulls of a few gang leaders. I've been in the hospital, in the lock-up. I've been tracked down by law-dogs. I've caroused with a hooker (or two). I've fallen face-first into the seediest world known to man. If man is wise enough to play video games, that is.
Truth is, I'd rather be playing Grand Theft Auto III than writing about it. But I'll take a break to talk up the most innovative, outlandish, brilliant video game I've ever seen. GTA3 is the kind of game that has long-lived in my imagination. It's the game I wish I'd been playing all my life.
I can guarantee that it's like no game you've ever played. There are games like parts of GTA3, but as a full experience, taken all together? Fuhgettaboutit.
Before I continue to laud this game, let me dispel a myth that might make you overlook it: You don't need to be acquainted with the GTA series to love this game. So don't let that muddle your judgment. I've never played the PS one GTAs, and I don't plan to.
GTA3 is a game that feels like a film. But this masterpiece is more of an interactive experience than anything else. It may not be the prettiest game on the market, but it is beautiful. Plus, the unique art style is as much a part of the game as jerking some knucklehead from his Ferrari and making it your Ferrari.
Here's how the game works: You're a guy on the run from the law. You've been screwed over by your ambitious girlfriend and your only buddy is a fellow jail-breaker named 8-Ball. He leads you to a friend of a friend. Boom, you're working for the mob. That friend of a friend asks you to drive prostitutes and pull a few triggers. Then you're in for good. The game could last forever, and that's yet another element that makes it so special. You can do the wonderfully creative missions, or you can jack an ambulance and get a few hours of community service under your belt. You can swindle a cop car and engage in Vigilante missions where you'll put hits on key witnesses. You can purloin a taxi and make a few extra bucks giving rides to the locals. If it's the type of thing that you think, "I wish I could do that in a game," you can do it in this game.
But back to the storyline. You're working your way up the mob ladder, but you must always keep the eyes in the back of your head tuned to 20/20. If you don't, something unsuspected will happen. And after you're blindsided and think you're too wise to ever get blindsided again, you're blindsided even harder.
I encourage you to stop reading this review and go play GTA3 now, because I don't have reams of space to explain the subtleties. But I'll give it a shot. First, the major players in the storyline are portrayed by some of the most distinctive voices of TV and film. When you hear them for the first time, you'll recognize them immediately. But fame isn't why these voices are great. They're great because they give depth to the characters you're involved with. They really bring the game to life, again. Another splendid subtlety is arm's length away: your radio dial. When you're driving, you've got a tuner at your command so you can listen to the music you want. Want hip-hop? It's there. Mozart? No problem. Hits from the film Scarface? It has a dial all its own. Plus, there are commercials and talk radio that will leave you giggling while you cruise the town looking for trouble. It's something else.
As for the violence aspect of the game, what gangster film doesn't have violence? Rockstar did it right. They weren't willing to weaken the experience so it would fit into what games "were." They didn't pull punches. This splendid adventure is authentic from the voices to the violence to the free-wheeling nature of the game. You're in control of your own destiny in this seedy metropolis. What you do with your free time is up to you. Maybe you'll beat the crap out of a pimp or kill a drug dealer. Maybe you'll drive a cab. Maybe you'll take a nap at your hideout.
As for flaws, there is one that affected my ability to kill the right guy when on foot, trying to put on a hit: The targeting system often focuses on the wrong guy. A small problem, but a fixable one for—dare I dream—a sequel.
GTA3 is the most fun I've ever had with a game. It belongs in every gamer's collection whether you're hardcore, or you love games, or if you'll only buy one PS2 game in your lifetime. It sets new standards for games. I'm in awe of it. And you will be, too.
Copyright © 2003 Ziff Davis Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Originally appearing in Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine.