Discovering Saint Patrick
John TaylorDiscovering Saint Patrick
Thomas O'Loughlin
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430
0809143607 $18.95
Written by a theology lecturer at the University of Wales, Lampeter, Discovering Saint Patrick is a religious and biographical study of Saint Patrick, that strives to understand as much as possible about his life, his impact on history, how he influenced the development of Irish Catholicism, and much more. Thoroughly researched, drawing heavily on original sources as well as directly from scripture, Discovering Saint Patrick approaches the life and times of the famous saint with a scholarly eye for detail and as much corroboration and verification as reasonably possible. A welcome contribution to church libraries and biographical collections of holy figures, and a "must-read" for anyone who is curious to understand what St. Patrick's Day is really all about.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Midwest Book Review
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group