摘要:We assessed the relative precision among scales, sagittal otoliths, and opercles for determining age and estimating the growth of 124 white bass (Morone chrysops). Percent agreement for age among the three structures was 72.1%. Scale assessments provided the highest percent agreement between readers within structures (89.6%). Opercles provided the highest agreement with final estimated fish ages (94.8%). Average percent error values were < 3.0 for all comparsions. It was difficult to detect white bass annuli on scales when estimated ages exceeded six years. Fish ages estimated from otoliths and opercles ranged from 1 to 12 years. Ages determined from scales differed as much as four years from otoliths and opercles for fish older than age 6. Total length to structure radius relations were strongly correlated for scales and opercles. No significant differences were detected between mean back-calculated lengths determined from scales and opercles. Although scales, otoliths, and opercles provided similar precision in determining age and growth of white bass up to age 6, the precision of scales as estimators decreased with fish age after age 6.