摘要:A total of 661 white bass (Morone chrysops) was sampled for stomach content analyses from Fall River Reservoir in 1996 and 1997. White bass ate age-0 gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) almost exclusively when they were available from July to January; the mean monthly frequency of occurrence was 35%. White bass of all size categories had approximately the same frequency of occurrence of gizzard shad in their stomachs (P=0.49). There was weak correlation of white bass total length to consumed gizzard shad total length (r=0.09, P<0.0001). However, there was a positive correlation between white bass total length and number of gizzard shad consumed (r=0.53, P<0.0001). When age-0 gizzard shad were unavdable from March through June, mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and midges (Chironomidae) occurred in 28- and 21%, respectively, of mean monthly white bass stomachs.