摘要:Most animals living in temporary ponds have some desiccation-resistant stage in their life cycle that permits them to survive the seasonal drying of the pond basin and facilitates dispersal to colonize other temporary ponds. Amphipods have no such desiccation-resistant or dispersal-adapted stage, yet several amphipod species are abundant and widespread in temporary ponds. The means by which amphipods endure seasonal drying and colonize other temporary ponds remains puzzling. We present evidence that the North American amphipod Crangonyx pseudogracilis may inhabit parts of the water table as well as temporary ponds. Such hypogean explorations by a basically epigean species would explain both its persistence and its ubiquity in temporary ponds. We suggest that other taxa that are typically thought of as strictly epigean pond residents may likewise have the capacity to survive and disperse in shallow groundwater.