摘要:We quantified the strike and capture efficiency, handling time, and functional response of Enallagma hageni and Ishnura verticalis larvae feeding on several sizes of the cladocerans Polyphemus pediculus, Daphnia pulex, and Holopedium gibberum. Both species were most efficient at capturing and ingesting P. pediculus, the smallest and most vulnerable prey, followed by D. pulex, a larger, faster prey. H. gibberum was rarely eaten due to a protective gelatinous sheath. The handling time was shortest for P. pediculus and longest for D. pulex due to a combination of size and carapace protection. Both damselfly species exhibited a Type II functional response with a maximum of 20-30 prey eaten per hour. Both E. hageni and I. verticalis larvae are efficient predators that selectively capture P. pediculus and small D. pulex; they avoid H. gibberum. Due to this differential predation, these larvae may substantially alter zooplankton community composition.