摘要:This study was conducted to assess the acceptability of bread samples produced by fortification of wheat flour with Tilapia Fish Protein Flour (TFPF) in varying proportions (5, 10, 15 and 20% by weight of wheat flour). Bread produced from 100% wheat flour served as the control. The fortified bread and the control samples were subjected to proximate and organoleptic analysis. The result of proximate analysis revealed that the incorporation of TFPF into wheat flour resulted in improvement in the nutritional value of bread sample. The protein content increases as more and more TFPF was added. The protein content for the control sample was 9.08% while the values for fortified bread samples ranged between 18.01 and 10.59% with sample coded 411 (80% wheat flour: 20% TFPF) having the highest value. The result of organoleptic analysis revealed that there was no significant difference among the samples in term of taste, aroma, crust and crumb colour and overall acceptability. Acceptable fortified bread could therefore be produced from wheat and TFPF.