摘要:Nine West African dwarf goats were used to investigate the effect of bee wax residue meal on the lactation performance, feed intake and weight gain. Goats were fed a diet with or without bee wax residue meal in a completely randomized design model for a 156 day period. The three diets were A (control), B (1%) bee wax residue meal inclusion) C (3% bee wax residue meal inclusion). Water and feeding were given ad libitum. Supplementing the diet with bee wax residue meal increased the crude protein intake from 47 g-d (diet A) to 133g-d (Diet C). The dry matter intake was greater for diet C followed by diet B and C which are similar (p>0.05). Animal on diet C consumed the highest percentage of minerals. Milk yield was significantly increased (p<0.05) by bee wax supplementation [407g-d] (A), [412g-d] (B) and [446g-d] (C). Supplementation also increased butter fat, protein, calcium and phosphorus contents. The potassium sodium and iron contents were significantly (p<0.05) highest in diet C followed closely by diets B and A (control) which are similar (p>0.05). It could be concluded that bee wax residue meal could be used to supplement lactating West African goats diet in the tropical environment.