摘要:Many meteorological data have little distribution or visibility outside of the host country or institution. One of the priorities of NEESPI is to identify these datasets and promote their distribution to address the science goals of the NEESP Initiative. The number of major synoptic stations over Russia and the former USSR varied from ~100 in the last decade of the 19th century to maximum of ~3500 in 1985. At that time, however, precipitation was measured at ~11 000 locations. Presently, in Russia there are ~1800 synoptic stations. RIHMI-WDC has the largest collection of in-situ meteorological data for the Russian territory, which is the main part of Northern Eurasia. However, this information is not used for research purposes directly. Instead, it serves as a baseline source for specialized sub-arrays to address particular tasks. Russian hydrometeorological baseline data sets may be used for creation of specialized data sets for the NEESPI Information Data Base.