摘要:Purpose: The study was conducted to survey the knowledge and behavioural practices of food handlers in bukas (a type of local restaurant) in Nigeria with the aim of assessing the hygiene practices of food handlers and whether they were knowledgeable about typhoid fever and its mode of transmission. Methods: One hundred and seventy four (174) Respondents were ad- ministered questionnaires on their sociode- mographic characteristics, behavioural practices and knowledge of typhoid fever. Results: Ma- jority of the food handlers drank pure water (32.1%), borehole water (32.6%) and public tap water (31.1%) at the about the same frequecy. More than half (62.2%) washed their hands with water only before eating while 27.7% did not wash their hands always before preparing food. After using toilets, 71.9% washed their hands with soap and water while 28.1% washed their hands with only water. When asked if they had heard about typhoid fever 90% said they had heard, out of which15.6% did not know how it was contracted while the others had partial knowledge. Conclusion: Food handlers play a prominent role in the transmission of typhoid fever and so it is important that the food handlers are well informed about their hygiene status and the causes of typhoid fever trans- mission and ways by which typhoid fever spread is prevented. This will go a long way to help reduce the incidence of typhoid fever in the country.