摘要:This study is examined the effect of past and present lifestyle habits and nutrition on the os-teo-sono assessment index (OSI) in pre- and post-menopausal females. The subjects were 200 premenopausal females (38.8±10.3years) and 156 postmenopausal females (59.2±5.9 ye- ars). BMD (Body mineral density) was estimated by right-calcaneal OSI using an ultrasonic transmission method with an AOS-100 device (ALOKA). The number of postmenopau- sal fe-males in the close examination and guidance required groups (80 cases: 51.3 %) (OSI < 2.428) was significantly higher than that of premeno-pausal females (44 cases: 22.0 %) (χ2=33.105: P<0.000). In premenopausal females, the proportion of subjects that had not taken vitamin D in the past (in junior high school and high school) was significantly higher in the close examination- guidance required group (OSI < 2.428) than in the normal group (OSI ≧ 2.428). However, in postmenopausal females, there was no signifi-cant difference in past and present lifestyle habits and nutrition between the close exami-nation-guidance required group and the normal group. In premenopausal females, it was deter-mined that the intake of vitamin D during pu-berty increased the absorption of calcium sig-nificantly.
关键词:Lifestyle and Nutrition Habits; Osteo-Sono Assessment Index; Pre and Postmenopausal Females