Objective: Discussed the development of self-concept of university students. Methods: Used “Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS)”, measured 426 university student’s self-concept status. Results: In the dimension of physical self-ethics, self-criticism, self-satisfaction, there were gender differences in university students’ self-concept. Males’ physical-self, self-criticism and self-satisfied were higher than females’, while females’ ethics were higher than males’. When referred to social self-concept, there were special differences. Students majored liberal arts had a higher score than the students of science. There were also differences in self-criticism, for example, the home location, whether only child or not, and the grades. College students also had differences in grade. Conclusion: College students’ self-concept developed to a relatively stable level in the university. Except for a noticeable difference in gender, only a certain dimensions were noticeable in other demographic variables, while self-criticism had remarkable differences in most of them.