Throughout the world there is awareness of the fundamental role of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the field of education. Theoretical and empirical studies have considered the importance of ICTs in the process of teaching and learning. This current paper investigates the level of ICT use for educational purposes by teachers in Jordanian rural secondary schools. The paper will contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the level of ICT use and also, concerning the importance of teachers' attitudes towards the use of ICT for educational purposes. The data for the study were collected through the use of quantitative data. In October 2008, a questionnaire was distributed to 650 teachers in Jordan, randomly selected. Four hundred sixty teachers responded to the questionnaire. The survey included questions concerning the level of ICT use as well as questions related to the attitudes of teachers towards the use of ICT. The findings of the study, which were obtained by analyzing the data collected from the teachers revealed that, teachers had a low level of ICT use for educational purpose, teachers hold positive attitudes towards the use of ICT, and a significant positive correlation between teachers’ level of ICT use and their attitudes towards ICT was found. The findings suggest that ICTs use for educational purposes should be given greater consideration than it currently receives. In general, the results were consistent with those previously reported in studies related to the use of ICT in the educational settings.