摘要:This research investigates the textile industry clusters in Pakistan. A cross sectional data were collected from 30 textile industries by using simple random technique and data were analysis by using E-Views software. Structural questionnaire was the basic tool for measures the performance of textile clusters in Pakistan. It was revealed that the industry is in urgent need of financial and technological investments. However, according to recent official figures, the Pakistan textile industry contributes more than 60% to the country’s total exports, which amounts to around 5.2 billion US dollars. The manufacturing sector contributes to around half of the total exports and textile sector contributes around 46% of the manufacturing sector’s contribution. The negative growth of 2.6 % declining from $ 16.4 billion last year to $ 16.0 billion in July-April 2008-09. Ministry of Textile Industry should launch and endorse the development of cluster-based textiles vision. It further revealed that Government should emphasis on increase Efficiency and Productivity with the help of research and development department and identifies key areas for process.