The introduction of Global System for Mobile Communications ( GSM ) phone with the un-regulated sitting of communication towers had increased the exposure of great percentage of the population to electromagnetic radiation and the concomitants health hazard in developing countries.
With samples from Akure Nigeria , the study examined the variation of the satisfaction of the people living around GSM base stations with distance away from the location of the base station. Using Crosstabs' nominal-by-nominal measures, the study found that the further the distances away from the base station, the higher the percentages of those that are satisfied; When the effect of fear of health problems exhibited by the residents was introduced, the study found that the variation in the satisfaction level with distance was due to those who haboured fear of health problems. In addition, the study used Ordered Logit Regression to model the combined effects of distance, fear and rent on the satisfaction with base station location; in this wise; the study found that statistically significant relationship exists between Distance and satisfaction with the base station. To alleviate the real and perceived fear associated with the location of base station therefore, t he residents should be provided with unbiased factual information relating to the negative effects on health and other hazards associated with living in close proximity to a base station.