摘要:Carbon capture from ambient air has been proposed as a mitigation strategy to counteract
anthropogenic climate change. We use an Earth system model to investigate the response
of the coupled climate–carbon system to an instantaneous removal of all anthropogenic
CO2 from the atmosphere. In our extreme and idealized simulations, anthropogenic
CO2 emissions are halted
and all anthropogenic CO2 is removed from the atmosphere at year 2050 under the IPCC A2
CO2 emission scenario when the model-simulated atmospheric
CO2 reaches 511 ppm and surface temperature reaches
1.8 °C above the pre-industrial level. In our simulations a one-time removal of all anthropogenic
CO2 in the atmosphere reduces surface air temperature by
0.8 °C within a few
years, but 1 °C surface warming above pre-industrial levels lasts for several
centuries. In other words, a one-time removal of 100% excess
CO2 from the
atmosphere offsets less than 50% of the warming experienced at the time of removal. To maintain atmospheric
CO2 and temperature at low levels, not only does anthropogenic
CO2 in the atmosphere need to be removed, but anthropogenic
CO2 stored in the ocean and land needs to be removed as well when it
outgasses to the atmosphere. In our simulation to maintain atmospheric
CO2 concentrations at pre-industrial levels for centuries, an additional amount of
CO2 equal to the
original CO2 captured would need to be removed over the subsequent 80 years.