摘要:The aim of this study performed in a part of Tehran city (capital of Iran) with 538 ha surface area, was locating the parks and determining the needs of the area to find suitable recreational spaces using GIS. The Ikonos imagery and 1:2000 topographic maps were applied to detect the parks in the regions. Classifying the parks in four categories of regional, zonal, local and neighboring levels, the influence rate of each park was determined using the standards and the areas without parks were identified in the region. Also the number of people using the parks was measured by overlaying the maps of park boundaries and people distribution. Then the map of gaps and their spatial pattern were prepared as the greatest potential of green space increase and they were ranked due to the necessity of park establishment and gap suitability. The gaps` surface area was 49.5 ha that have had no buildings. Regarding to the lack of parks in local and neighboring levels and overlaying the maps of gaps on park establishment necessities and needs, it was concluded that the area doesn`t have the potential for park establishment at local level but about 1.8 ha of the gaps can be allocated to parks at neighboring level.