摘要:Proximate, mineral and amino acids composition of cashew nut ( Anarcaduim occidentale ) flour were determined using standard analytical techniques. The physicochemical characteristics of the oil were also investigated. The mean values of various parameters for proximate composition (%) were: moisture (5.7±0.2), ash (4.4±0.1), ether extract (36.7±0.1), crude protein (25.3±0.2), crude fibre (1.2±0.3) and carbohydrate (by difference) (26.80).The calculated fatty acid s were noted to be 29.4% and energy was 2242.8KJ / 100g. Minerals (mg / 100g) included: Na (22.8±0.2), K (38.2±0.1), Ca (21.9±0.3), Mg (36.4±0.2), Mn (1.6±0.2), Cu (0.4±0.1), Zn (0.8±0.1), Fe (0.8±0.1) and P (18.6±0.2) while Pb, Cd and Hg were not detected. The relationship between Na and K as well as between Ca and P; are desirable with the respective ratios of Na/K (0.6) and Ca/P(1.2). Amino acid analysis revealed that cashew nut flour contained nutritionally useful quantities of most of the essential amino acid s. The first and second limiting amino acid s are Lys (0.58) and Met + Cys (TSAA) (0.66). The results of physicochemical properties of cashew nut oil with the mean values of the following parameters:- colour (yellow), refractive index (1.465), specific gravity (0.964), acid value (0.82 ± 0.4 mg KOH/g, saponification value (168.3 ± 0.3mg KOH/g), iodine value (44.4 ± 0.1mg Iodine/g), peroxide value (3.1±0.2) and free fatly acids (28.4±0.1 mg/g) indicated that cashew nut oil is edible, non-drying and may not be suitable for soap making.