摘要:>A immune enhancing power bar currently developed in the Vaal University of technology were screened for its nutritional information considering both analytical and calculated nutritional information. It was found that apart of moisture and total carbohydrate which were underestimated, all values of proximate composition were a bit higher than values obtained by calculation, thus overestimated. There is globally a reduction of micro nutrients like the one of Vit. A and E which show a gap of 70% and 48% respectively between calculated values and analytical values. The differences were found to be less significant for all minerals. Despite this, the new power bar can be considered as a powerful immune-enhancing meal, as it present most of required energy and key nutrients needed by people living with HIV/AIDS. However, in order to complete the development process all ingredients used need to undergo further refinement and optimization in the form of chemical and scientific analysis. This newly developed immune enhancing power bar can be linked to a prompt diagnosis and treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS, including use of antiretroviral treatment (ART) when indicated to improve their nutrition and health status.