摘要:Many US forest managers have used historical ecology information to assist in the
development of desired conditions. While there are many important lessons to learn from
the past, we believe that we cannot rely on past forest conditions to provide us with
blueprints for future management. To respond to this uncertainty, managers will be
challenged to integrate adaptation strategies into plans in response to changing climates.
Adaptive strategies include resistance options, resilience options, response options, and
realignment options. Our objectives are to present ideas that could be useful in
developing plans under changing climates that could be applicable to forests with
Mediterranean climates. We believe that managing for species persistence at the broad
ecoregion scale is the most appropriate goal when considering the effects of changing
climates. Such a goal relaxes expectations that current species ranges will remain
constant, or that population abundances, distribution, species compositions and
dominances should remain stable. Allowing fundamental ecosystem processes to operate
within forested landscapes will be critical. Management and political institutions
will have to acknowledge and embrace uncertainty in the future since we are
moving into a time period with few analogs and inevitably, there will be surprises.