期刊名称:Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature
出版社:University of Niš
摘要:Situated in the wider framework of frame semantics, the paper employs an experimental approach involving a reaction time study to test the activation of semantic frames via semantic priming. Experiment 1 deals with the frame of JOURNEY and employs a lexical decision task in a reaction time paradigm, while Experiment 2 deals with the frame of CONFLICT and uses a categorization task, also in a reaction time paradigm. Both experiments were designed in Open Sesame. Target stimuli were in Serbian, selected through a norming procedure involving prototypicality ratings on Likert scales. Additionally, identical filler items were included in both experiments. Priming was performed using lexical materials modified to facilitate the activation of the respective frames. The obtained results showed that there was no facilitation in the experimental group in Experiment 1 compared to the control group; however, in Experiment 2, we were able to identify facilitation in the experimental group in the main task, licensed by the initial priming. These results suggest that the lexical decision task has a reduced cognitive load compared to the categorization task, thereby overriding the priming condition. In effect, categorization task appears to be a more suitable procedure for testing semantic frame activation.
其他摘要:Istraživanje smo sproveli u teorijskom okviru semantike okvira (Fillmore 1982) i koristimo eksperimentalni pristup zasnovan na merenju vremena reakcije kako bismo ispitali uticaj primovanja na aktivaciju semantičkih okvira. U prvom eksperimentu testirali smo okvir PUTOVANJA, kroz merenje vremena reakcije u zadatku leksičke odluke. U drugom eksperimentu testirali smo okvir KONFLIKTA, kroz merenje vremena reakcije u zadatku kategorizacije. Glavni stumulusi odabrani su kroz postupak normiranja prema stepenu prototipičnosti na Likertovim skalama, a pored njih korišćeni su i "fileri“. Primovanje je sprovedeno upotrebom semantičkog materijala modifikovanog kako bi doveo do aktivacije svakog od dva ciljna okvirna. Rezultati nisu pokazali očekivanu aktivaciju u eksperimentalnoj grupi u prvom eksperimentu, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, dok je u drugom eksperimentu zabeležena očekivana aktivacija. Ovo ukazuje da je zadatak leksičke odluke kognitivno lakši u poređenju sa zadatkom kategorizacije, zahvaljujući čemu u zadatku leksičke odluke dolazi do premošćavanja efekta primovanja. Prema tome, zadatak kategorizacije predstavlja pouzdaniju proceduru za testiranje aktivacije semantičkih okvira.