摘要:Purpose: Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is recognized as a core component of teachers’ professional competence which predicts both the quality of teaching and the achievement of teaching goals. This is also relevant inPhysical Education (PE). To date,there has been a “selection bias” in the profound international research base on the PCK of PE teachers,as it reflects research mainly published in English and therefore lacks of different didactics foci in Europe. In addition,despite the importance of PCK,research on the PCK of PE teachers in German speaking countries is still at the beginning and thus there is little evidence of the PCK of PE teachers in those countries. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the testing instrument PCK-PE to measure German preservice PE teachers’ PCK. Material and Methods: The participants were 511 PETE students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted on two independent samples (initial validation sample = 300,cross-validation sample = 211). Results: Expert review provided content and face validity.The CFA showed that the constructs demonstrated a good fit to the model (χ² = 147.87,df = 89,p = .00,CFI = .97,RMSEA = .06),confirming their validity. The results showed moderate correlation between the PCK-PE and the GPK (a testing instrument towards general pedagogical knowledge)indicating conceptual distinction and discriminant validity,respectively.Conclusion: Since the PCK-PE comprises a German didactics focus,this study adds to the rich international research base on the PCK of PE teachers,as part of a bigger picture. To date,the PCK-PE is one of the few instruments in Germany whose validity has been extensively tested.