出版社:Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani)
摘要:The article examines the issues of monitoring the effects of learning in an organisational context and attempts to answer the following question: “Why and how can we monitor the effects learning has on organisational performance?” The author provides a review of the relevant literature from the field of business management and finds many discrepancies that are due to the complexity and the use of various methodological approaches. Nevertheless,the author establishes that monitoring is necessary because it makes it possible to identify certain key points in the working process,clarifies the expectations management has of the employees and encourages their creativity. At the same time,the article emphasizes that the monitoring process requires knowledge of the organisational context,and the learning process and its effects need to be studied on a multidimensional and multi-level basis,while the monitoring process itself should be simple to implement and the findings easy to understand.
其他摘要:Prispevek proučuje problematiko spremljanja rezultatov učenja v organizacijskem kontekstu in poskuša ponuditi odgovor na vprašanje,zakaj in kako na organizacijski ravni spremljamo učinkovanje načrtovanega učenja na uspešnost. S pomočjo pregleda literature na področju poslovnih ved avtor sistematizira razprave in ugotavlja,da pri tem zaradi kompleksnosti in zahteve po uporabi različnih metodoloških prijemov še vedno obstaja veliko nesoglasij. Kljub temu meni,da je spremljanje nujno,saj je prvi pogoj za identifikacijo pomembnih točk dela,pojasnjuje pričakovanja vodstva do zaposlenih in spodbuja njihovo kreativnost. V sklepu avtor poudarja,da je pri spremljanju treba poznati kontekst organizacije,proces načrtovanega učenja in njegove rezultate pa je treba spremljati večdimenzionalno ter na več ravneh. Pri tem je nujno ohraniti enostavnost izvedbe spremljanja in razumljivost ugotovitev.