出版社:Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani)
摘要:This issue of Studies in Adult Education and Learning is a result of the Innovative Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (INOVUP) project,which is taking place in all three public universities in Slovenia: the University of Ljubljana,the University of Maribor and the University of Primorska. Along with these three institutions,which represent the majority share of higher education in Slovenia,the project consortium also includes the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto. Financed by the Ministry of Education,Science and Sport with funds from the European Social Fund,the purpose of INOVUP (www.inovup.si) is to investigate and improve the quality of higher education teaching in Slovenian universities. Our goal is not only to analyse the current state but to use various forms of training to encourage higher education teachers to reflect on their own practices and to equip them with the skills they need to introduce new approaches into their teaching. The impetus for the project is the realisation that a teacher in higher education needs to not only excel in their own specific field but also be a skilful teacher,who along with all other aspects of their work also grows and evolves when it comes to teaching.