摘要:This paper presents the results of an original empirical research of the effects and the importance of foreign direct investments on the economic development of developing countries, as well as the determinants of attracting them, with particular reference to European developing countries, which was conducted using panel data through an example of selected Western Balkan countries: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. The research was conducted during the period from 2000 to 2017. The research results show that there is no statistically significant connection between political risk indices, GDP and unemployment rates and technology transfers, on the one hand, and FDI inflow rates, on the other. The results of the analysis reveal that the FDI rate is inversely proportional to the inflation rate in the host country.
其他摘要:U radu su predstavljeni rezultati originalnog empirijskog istraživanja efekata i značaja stranih direktnih investicija na ekonomski razvoj zemalja u razvoju, kao i determinanti privlačenja istih, sa posebnim osvrtom na evropske zemlje u razvoju, koje je sprovedeno primenom panel podataka, na primeru izabranih zemalja Zapadnog Balkana: Srbije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine i Makedonije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno za period od 2000. do 2017. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna veza između indeksa političkog rizika, BDP i stope nezaposlenosti i transfera tehnologije, sa jedne i stope priliva SDI, sa druge strane. Rezultati analize otkrivaju da je stopa SDI obratno srazmerna stopi inflacije u zemlji domaćina.
关键词:foreign direct investments;socio-political instability;developing countries;panel analysis
其他关键词:strane direktne investicije;socio-politička nestabilnost;zemlje u razvoju;panel analiza