期刊名称:Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
出版社:Korean Distribution Science Association
摘要:This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership (TL), procedural justice (PJ), and training (T) on employee performance (EP) mediated by self-efficacy (SE). The object of this research is Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) M.Th. Djaman, a hospital in Sanggau Regency, while the subjects are the institution's staff. Data collection search uses purposive sampling with a total of 120 samples. Data are obtained through questionnaires distributed directly to respondents using the Google Form application. Data analysis techniques used in this study include standard error of mean (SEM) with AMOS software version 24.00. Methods use to test validity and reliability of data include Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Construct Reliability (CR) and VE. The results of the analysis show that only training has a significant effect on self-efficacy, and self-efficacy has a significant effect on employee performance. Also, self-efficacy is proven to mediate the role of training on employee performance; the other hypotheses are not significant. Training is the most prominent positive factor affecting self-efficacy and self-efficacy has a significant effect on employee performance at RSUD M.Th. Djaman. The results of this study can be used as a reference by management in determining what policy priorities should take precedence.