出版社:Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
摘要:Introduction: This paper reviews the analytical method of assessing the seismic and extreme load resistance of buildings with a complex macrostructure that includes elastic-plastic inserts operating in shear. Methods: We analyze a number of studies that rationalize the choice of models for simulating complex elastic-plastic deformation in a mechanical system with several degrees of freedom, as well as studies that review the durability and resilience of buildings with a complex macrostructure based on non-linear shear links when subjected to dynamic and extreme impact. We also consider the methods of structural analysis regarding buildings with elastic-plastic inserts, accounting for the plastic hinged joints of metal frames. Results: We apply the analytical method to linear and non-linear systems with n degrees of freedom. We propose a mathematical equation that describes the nature of shear link response to seismic and extreme loads. Our method makes it possible to obtain an analytical solution for structures with proportionate and disproportionate damping by using the direct integration algorithm. Discussion: Most structures with a broad range of construction material properties require a disproportionate damping model. In this study, we solve equations by using the direct integration algorithm based on disproportionate damping. Under high dynamic load, the reinforcement of shear inserts operates in a plastic state.