摘要:This paper aims to identify customer retention on mobile phone purchasing on cell phone stores in Denpasar. This study used a quota sampling method to get 240 respondents. Service quality was measured using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)) model. The formulation of the problem is as follows: "What is the function of customer retention of cellular phone purchases at cellular phone shops in Denpasar City." The purpose of this study was to analysis customer retention of mobile phone purchasing on cell phone stores in Denpasar. Data were collected through survey research, and 240 cell phone owners. The outcome showed that service quality has a negative but significant effect on customer retention, service quality has a positive but not significant effect on promotion at cell phone stores, trademark have a positive and significant effect on customer retention at cell phone stores, trademarks have a positive and significant effect on promotions at cell phone stores, promotions positive and significant effect on customer retention in cell phone stores. Thus, the results showed that trademarks and promotions make cell phone store managers can carry out effective customer retention to develop their business.