首页    期刊浏览 2024年12月13日 星期五


  • 标题:The Influence of Place of Residence and Education of Parents on the Intensity of Instruction
  • 其他标题:Vpliv kraja bivanja in izobrazbe staršev na intenzivnost inštrukcij
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  • 作者:Evelina Perozzi ; Andrej Raspor
  • 期刊名称:Izzivi Prihodnosti
  • 电子版ISSN:2463-9281
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:5
  • 期号:4
  • 页码:213-233
  • DOI:10.37886/ip.2020.013
  • 语种:Slovenian
  • 出版社:Faculty of Organisation Studies, Novo Mesto
  • 摘要:Research question (RQ): Among other questions in this research we have tried to answer, in relation to an increase of the use of tutoring, was whether the intensity of the use of tutoring is influenced by the place of residence and education of parents, so we formulated the following research question: “Does the place of residence and education of parents’ affect the use of tutoring?” Purpose: The basic goal of the research was to determine how extensive the use of tutoring is in the Goriška region and how/if the place of residence and education of parents is relevant. We focused on science subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, and one foreign language. Method: We surveyed primary school students, high school students, secondary schools, and students enrolled in higher education study programs in the Goriška region. By interviewing both students and parents, a quantitative research was enriched by the detailed content review of the importance of tutoring. We also conducted interviews with teachers of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and English in both primary and secondary education, and gained an insight into the increased use and need of tutoring in the context of formal education. We also used the method of observation by observing the students that use tutors and resort to tutoring. The research was conducted during the 2016/2017 school year. Results: Based on the data gained by conducting an extensive research, the following key conclusion was formed: Place of residence and education of parents do not affect the intensity of tutoring. Organization: According to the findings, the volume of tutors is increasing, and students are too focused on improving grades rather than better consolidating learning, school principals and deans could make certain changes in the delivery of learning content to students. When organizing the tutoring, it is important that it directly relates to consolidation of learning, rather than being directed only towards the improvement of grades, which are required for passing and applying for collage. Society: The contribution is important from the point of view of students, teachers and also the Ministry of Education in relation to the reform of the school system. Moreover, a broader study could offer solutions to limit the emerging gap between students and teachers, as research has shown that the use of tutoring has increased significantly. Here we should follow the example of those countries where the study is designed in such a way, that there is no need for additional tutoring. Originality: This is the first such extensive research in the Goriška region and in Slovenia in general. All school levels were included. Starting with elementary schools, high schools and higher education programs. Above all, this study expresses originality, as it seeks to answer how the place of residence and education of parents influence the tutoring process. Limitations/further research: The limitation of the research is that we conducted the research in the Goriška region only and that the selected sample was small, therefore, the findings cannot be applicable to everyone. It would make sense to conduct similar research and expand it to the entire Slovenian population. Another limitation is the fact that it was carried out before COVID-19, during which teaching, and tutoring had to adapt to the new situation.
  • 其他摘要:Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): V raziskavi smo se med drugim osredotočili na povezavo med prebivališčem in izobrazbo staršev otrok, ki obiskujejo inštrukcije ter njihovo intenzivnostjo. Za namene raziskave smo temu primerno oblikovali naslednje raziskovalno vprašanje: Ali bivališče uporabnikov in izobrazba njihovih staršev vplivata na intenzivnost inštrukcij?« Namen: Poglavitni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezavo med intenzivnostjo koriščenja inštrukcij v širši goriški regiji ter krajem bivanja in izobrazbo staršev. Osredotočili smo se na naravoslovne predmete (matematika, fizika, kemija) in en družboslovni predmet (tuj jezik). Metoda: Anketirali smo osnovnošolce, dijake gimnazij, srednjih strokovnih in poklicnih šol, ter študente, vpisane v visokošolske študijske programe na Goriškem. Preko intervjujev z udeleženci inštrukcij in njihovimi starši smo kvantitativno raziskavo obogatili še z detajlno vsebinsko analizo okoristi inštrukcij. Opravili smo še intervjuje z učitelji fizike, kemije, matematike in angleščine,tako na osnovnošolskem, kot srednješolskem nivoju izobraževanja, in na podlagi tega presodili onujnosti in priljubljenosti inštrukcij znotraj sistema formalnega izobraževanja. Pri raziskavi smo seposlužili metode opazovanja, pri kateri smo opazovali učence, ki obiskujejo inštruktorje in seposlužujejo inštrukcij. Raziskava je potekala v obdobju šolskega leta 2016/2017. Rezultati: Na osnovi vseh predstavljenih raziskav se je izoblikovala naslednja ključna ugotovitev;Kraj bivanja in izobrazba staršev ne vplivata na intenzivnost inštrukcij. Organizacija: Glede na ugotovitve, da se obseg inštrukcij povečuje in da so inštruiranci prevečusmerjeni v izboljšavo ocen in ne v boljše utrjevanje snovi, bi lahko ravnatelji in dekani šol izvedlidoločene spremembe pri podajanju učne vsebine, učencem, dijakom in študentom. Pri samiorganizaciji inštrukcij je pomembno to da so neposredno povezane za utrjevanje snovi in ne samo,da so usmerjene v izboljšanje ocen, ki so pogoj za prehodnost in vpis na fakulteto. Družba: Prispevek je pomemben z vidika učencev, učiteljev in tudi Ministrstva za izobraževanjepri prihodnjih reformah šolskega sistema. Raziskava daje osnove, saj bi širša raziskava na to temolahko ponudila rešitve, ki bi omejile nastajajoči razdor med učenci in učitelji, saj je raziskavapokazala, da se je uporaba inštrukcij v zadnjem času povečala. Predvsem bi se tu morali zgledovatipo državah, kjer je študij zasnovan tako, da ni potrebe po dodatnih inštrukcijah. Originalnost: Gre za prvo tako celovito raziskavo na Goriškem in v Sloveniji nasploh. Vključeniso bili vsi nivoji šolanja. Od osnovne šole, srednje šole do fakultet. Predvsem pa se kaže njenaoriginalnost, saj je iskala odgovore o vplivih kraja bivanja in izobrazbe staršev na same inštrukcije. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Omejitev raziskave se kaže v tem, da smo raziskavo izvedli naGoriškem in da je bil vključen priložnostni vzorec, zato ugotovitev ne moremo prenašati na vse,saj vzorec ni uravnotežen. Na podlagi ugotovitev, bi bilo smiselno dopolniti metodologijo inizvesti raziskavo med celotno slovensko populacijo. Druga omejitev je v tem, da je bila izvedenapred COVID-19, saj se je med tem časom podajanje snovi in inštruiranje moralo prilagoditi novimrazmeram.
  • 关键词:tutoring;education;individualism;conformism;motivation;generations;parental education;location of parents' residence
  • 其他关键词:inštrukcije;izobraževanje;individualizem;konformizem;motivacija;generacije;izobrazba staršev;lokacija bivanja staršev