摘要:The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of shooting and goal scoring in the 2019 Women’s World Cup soccer tournament that was held in France. All shots and goals scored during the match were analyzed using the video analysis system. The obtained results showed that 1330 shots (open play: 68.2%, set play: 31.8%) and 146 goals (open play: 65.9%, set play: 34.1%) were performed during the matches (P <0.001). Most shots (50.3%) and goals(48.4%) were performed as one--touch shot during an open play; the main type of set play for all shots was free kick (42.3%), followed by corner kick(35.9%); while penalty kick (38.3%), followed by free kick (31.9%) resulted in goals. More shots (56.2%) and goals (57.5%) were scored in the second half, and the time peaks of shooting is 46--60 minute periods, the goal scoring is the last 15--min in the second half. A total of 49.9% of shots and 69.2% of goals were initiated from the central zone; no difference was observed between right and left zones. A total of 74.2% of shots and 80.1% of goals were scored within 0--4 passes; 20.2% of shots, and 14.5% of goals were accomplished within 5--8 passes. Most shots (68.2%) and goals(79%) were performed in the penalty box, specifically in the area between penalty spot and goal zone; 30.5% of shots were finished in this area, 35.9% of goals were scored in the same area. Finally, forwards had the most shots (57%) and goals (63.1%). The practical implication of this study is that soccer coaches need to learn the trends of shooting and goal scoring characteristics, focus on improving the technical and tactical build up into the penalty area, and enhance the ability for goal scoring of set pieces.