出版社:Mathematics Education Study Program of STKIP Siliwangi
摘要:This study investigates the aspects that influence students' justification of the four types of arguments constructed by students, namely: inductive, algebraic, visual, and perceptual. A grounded theory type qualitative approach was chosen to investigate the emergence of the four types of arguments and how the characteristics of students from each type justify the arguments constructed. Four people from 75 students were involved in the interview after previously getting a test of mathematical argumentation. The results of the study found that three factors influenced students' justification for mathematical arguments, namely: students' understanding of claims, treatment given, and facts found in arguments. Claims influence the way students construct arguments, but facts in arguments are the primary consideration for students in choosing convincing arguments compared to representations. Also, factor treatment turns out to change students' decisions in choosing arguments, and these changes tend to lead to more formal arguments.
关键词:Mathematical argumentation;Type of argument;Justifying to argument;Claim