期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:The Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFRI) is a national agency which contributes to implementing the policy of rural development of European Union, policy which aims the growth of life’s quality in rural environment. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to emphasize: the AFRI’s importance in developing the Romanian rural environment and an analysis of the activity which this agency conducted during the two programming periods. The Agency for Financing Rural Investments is one of the two national agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, its main role being represented by implementing rural development measures. This agency was instituted based on the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 14/18.06.2014 and finances Romanian rural environment through some measures such as investments in physical assets, agricultural holdings and businesses development, basic services and village renewal in rural areas, investments in developing forest areas and ameliorating forest viability, support for setting up producer groups in the agricultural sector, support for agricultural and fruit – growing cooperation.