出版社:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts)
摘要:Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer (1773) was staged only two weeks after the publication of his Essay on the Teatre, in which he famously compared sentimental comedies with what he described as laughing comedies. Te play thus illustrates Goldsmith’s principles for his ideal laughing comedy. One of the aspects of this type of comedy, which has rarely been addressed, is its representation of the matrix of temporal and spatial elements, or what Mikhail Bakhtin calls a chronotope. Te present study is thus aimed at investigating She Stoops to Conquer in terms of Bakhtinian chronotope. Te study argues how different chronotopes have influenced the behaviours as well as the decisions of characters in the play. Moreover, it shows that the chronotopic framework can shed new light on the play’s portrayal of the class divisions in the eighteenth century, when the middle class was emerging in England’s social system.
其他摘要:Komedija She Stoops to Conquer (1773) Oliverja Goldsmitha je bila uprizorjena le dva tedna po izidu njegovega vplivnega razmisleka o gledališču »Essay on the Teatre«, v katerem je primerjal sentimentalne komedije s tem, kar je imenoval komedije smeha. Igra torej udejanja Goldsmithova načela za idealno komedijo smeha. Eden od vidikov tovrstne komedije, o katerem do zdaj ni bilo veliko govora, je značilna reprezentacija časovnih in prostorskih elementov oziroma tega, kar Mihail Bahtin imenuje kronotop. Pričujoča študija analizira She Stoops to Conquer z vidika bahtinovskega kronotopa, njen namen pa je pokazati, kako različni kronotopi vplivajo na vedenje in odločitve likov v tej komediji. Članek tudi ugotavlja, da lahko upoštevanje kronotopskega okvirja pomembno prispeva k razumevanju predstavljenih razrednih razlik v 18. stoletju, ko se je v angleškem družbenem sistemu začel oblikovati srednji razred.