摘要:Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS), also known as basal cell carcinoma nevus syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, and nevoid basal cell carcinoma, is a rare autosomal dominant disorder with a prevalence of approximately 1/60,000. A lower prevalence rate of 1/13,939,393 has also been reported in Korea. We report the case of a 40-year-old male patient with multiple black pigmented macules on the face that first appeared when he was a teenager. His clinical features of jaw cysts, bifid ribs, and calcification of the falx cerebri were fitting within the criteria for the diagnosis of BCNS. We excised all suspected macules and sent permanent biopsy. Most of the histological examinations of the biopsy samples taken during surgical excision of the face masses showed basal cell carcinomas. Ten months after the surgery, the patient has remained free from symptoms and is undergoing follow-up observation.