期刊名称:International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
出版社:Hindawi Publishing Corporation
摘要:With the wide application of microgrid system, fluctuation and randomness are the characteristics of distributed generation output. The traditional energy management system can’t meet the requirements to ensure the security and stability of the grid. The microgrid energy management is of great significance to the stable operation of power grid. In order to obtain higher economic benefits and pay less environmental costs, reasonable scheduling of various distributed power sources is able to achieve this goal. In this article, microgrid energy management including distributed generation is studied. The objective function includes the economic objective and the environmental objective. The model of energy management is considered as a multi-objectives and multi-parametric optimization problem. The multi-parameter dynamic programming is used to optimize the energy management of microgrid. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is examined by the simulation studies.
关键词:Microgrids; energy management; multi-parameter dynamic programming; battery