标题:Detecting the Underlying Constructs of the Self-efficacy Scale for English Language Learners’ Textbooks (SES-ELLT) through Exploratory Factor Analysis
摘要:The present study attempts at determining the inherent components of the validated Self-Efficacy Scale for English Language Learners' Textbooks (SES-ELLT) (Hamedi, Pishghadam, & Ghazanfari, 2013). To this end, 290 language learners from several language institutes of Mashhad (Iran) engaged in the study to examine the underlying dimensions of the scale. Participants were asked to reflect on the importance of the 33 items for the English language textbooks. Afterwards, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was administered to substantiate the construct validity of the scale. Two tests were employed to measure the factorability of the inter-correlation matrix: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test of Sampling Adequacy (KMO) and Bartlett’s test of Sphericity. The results of the two tests demonstrated the appropriateness of the factor model. Finally, the scale revealed five major factors, accounting for 39.94% of the total variance to be used by textbook designers and material developers as a set of empirically based self-efficacy inducing factors.
关键词:SES-ELLT; underlying dimensions; EFA; factorability; five factors