摘要:Social media is a platform where various agendas are created today, shares are made and comments about all of them are made. One of these platforms is Twitter. On Twitter, various posts related to age-based discriminatory attitudes towards the elderly were found during the COVID-19 process. The reason for the discriminatory shares is that the age group 65 years and older is in the risky group during the epidemic, so although there are restrictions on the basis of chronological age, it is thought that some sharers are responsible for these restrictions as the elderly. Accordingly, the study aims to identify age-based discriminatory attitudes, rhetoric and depictions in twitter posts for the elderly. The study focused on how and for what reasons age-based discrimination against the elderly were performed using the content analysis technique, which is a qualitative research technique. Accordingly, age-based discrimination elements for old age are brought together and encoded and discussed under certain themes. The definition of elderly individuals as 'grandparents', 'ridicule, contempt and humiliation' rhetoric towards elderly individuals, 'insults, complaints, threats and hate' rhetoric towards elderly individuals, 'loneliness' rhetoric towards older individuals, 'physical violence' rhetoric towards older individuals were interpreted by presenting the themes of the study. As a result of the study, it was observed that the elderly faced age-based discriminatory attitudes, rhetoric and depictions such as ridicule, contempt, humiliation, insulting and hate speech.