期刊名称:CIC : Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación
出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
摘要:The Communication Industry is facing since the ‘80 a number of changes during initially caused by media concentration. But it is the digitalization of production, distribution and consumption of audiovisual contents and the irruption of the Internet and its Web 2.0 or Social Web that generates a new media enviroment in which old media have to turn into the New Technologies in order to reach consumers across any platform and implement new business models that balance the incomes’ reduction in the traditional ones. This paper presents an analysis of the so called Digital Contents, which turned out to be the key factor in the definitive consolidation of the Information Society.
其他摘要:The Communication Industry is facing since the ‘80 a number of changes during initially caused by media concentration. But it is the digitalization of production, distribution and consumption of audiovisual contents and the irruption of the Internet and its Web 2.0 or Social Web that generates a new media enviroment in which old media have to turn into the New Technologies in order to reach consumers across any platform and implement new business models that balance the incomes’ reduction in the traditional ones. This paper presents an analysis of the so called Digital Contents, which turned out to be the key factor in the definitive consolidation of the Information Society.
关键词:Contenidos digitales;sociedad de la información;convergencia mediática;digitalización;internet.;Contenus digitaux;société de lìnformation;convergeance médiatique;digitalisation;internet.
其他关键词:Digital contents; information society; media convergence digitalization; internet.