摘要:The human being has a vital prescription to eat and drink as much as the day-to-day process. This vital point constitutes the foundation stone of gastronomic tourism. In our globalized world, nations that express or offer their own values have become more successful. Therefore, the culture of Turkish food and nutrition refers as the key of national culture. Therefore, it is very important to examine the characteristics of the Ottoman cuisine to introduce food culture. Traditionally Ottoman cuisine, soups, meat dishes, olive oil vegetables, salads and spices used in desserts are important. Nowadays, people want to learn not only the sense of hunger but also the history of gastronomy (all components depending on cultural and environmental influences). It gives us great opportunities when it is told and applied to the history of that cultural gastronomy. These opportunities are making economic difference by strengthening the functions of gastronomic tourism. Due to the literature obtained in the study, it is thought that the inclusion of the spices in the Ottoman cuisine destinations in Turkey, which has a high potential for gastronomy tourism, will support sustainable development. In the study, was given informations about the characteristics of the spices used in Ottoman cuisine.