摘要:This research is conducted in order to investigate habits of using fitness centre, where people enrol in an effort to avoid sedentary lifestyle that has been lately increasing. People tend to start doing regular physical activity in order to get rid of health problems caused by sedentary lifestyle. Fitness centres are one of the most preferred sports grounds because they offer many advantages apart from variety of physical activity opportunities. Therefore, it is important to determine fitness centre using habits for managers to provide better services and also for people to maintain consistency in sports.Within this scope, data from the sports centre located at Balgat district in Ankara province was analysed. The mean age of all the members is 30.62 years. While the mean age of female participants is 30.43 years, it is 30.74 for male participants. Monday is when the centre is used the most with 17.67% while Saturday is the least visited fitness centre day with 9.79%. February with a rate of 10.67% is noted to be the month in which facility is used the most. The least use of the facility occurred in June with a rate of 5.24%. As the hours of intense participation in fitness centre are observed, it is concluded that the highest number of entries to the facility takes place between 18:00 and 19:00. 18.42% of the total number that sums up to 21594 entries takes place during this period. Through this study, it is concluded that people have certain habits regarding using fitness centres.