标题:Determination of the recreational park users satisfactions and dissatisfactions factors Rekreasyonel amaçlı park kullanıcılarının memnuniyet ve memnuniyetsizlik faktörlerinin belirlenmesi
摘要:The aim of this study was to determine the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors of the park users. The survey applied on Atatürk Culture Parks, Karaalioğlu Parks and Kepez Urbun Forest which have been selected as the sample areas in three different regions of Antalya. 600 subject were (303 female, 297 male) carried out in this study. Uzun’s (2005) questionnaire which prepared to Dawson, Newman & Watson (1997) and Newman & Dawson’s (1998) studies were used to the determined of user’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors in the study. Frequency and percentage analysis were used to analyze participant demographic traits and park user’s characteristics. Independent sample t-test and Oneway Anova tests were used to assess the mean differences in user’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors with participant demographic traits and users characteristics. According the findings were park participants’ age range is 26-40, level of education is high school and college, income level is 1000-1500 TL, living time in city is more than 16 years and living place is apartment. According to the results of study the important satisfaction sub-dimensions were accessibility and physical activity, and the important dissatisfaction sub-dimension of park users are maintenance. The findings of the study reveal that participant demographic traits and park user’s characteristics affected the user satisfaction and dissatisfaction level in the park. It’s suggested that when parks designed and being managed with consider these results.